I am actually eating less. I know this because I don't go back for seconds, my portions are smaller, I am more quickly satisfied. However. I feel like I eat more. Perhaps it's just that I have to work harder to do it. I shop more, cook more, chew more and while food takes up less of my thought time... ravenous cravings etc... it takes more of my actual time just getting it done. Here is a sample of the fruit and grass that I will eat in the next 5-7 days... Now some of this will go to the children, and I think the grass is actually for a local cow, but the rest of this fruit will be peeled, chopped or slaughtered (in the case of pomegranates) and eaten, by me. Today I ate 6 oranges at various times. And after orange number three you stop bothering with the seeds and just eat them because darn it... they aren't off limits. In any case it's day nine in the countdown to fit, and I feel great. Perhaps there is a bit of tiger blood... but the tiger is either still a kitten, or is asleep. Perhaps tomorrow he will roar but for now... I'm looking for another orange.