So it's day twenty. I've almost made it. From here it's only a ten day countdown to
pizza fit, and victory over carbs. Of the permanent changes that this experience has wrought in me naught will I speak ere the end come (
been reading Fellowship of the Ring lately). But I can say, that onions... even raw onions have become close friends, and now fit into the category of "snack" in my mind. A few days ago I found out that clarified (I prefer to say rarified) butter is allowed in the Whole 30 diet. Luckily I'm in India and rarified butter, called Ghee, has a prominent place not only on the Hindu plate, but also figures largely in Hindu mythology, a kind of South-Asian Ambrosia, food for the more deific among us. So it's easy to find, and cheap. Though heavy in cholesterol it has been a welcome break from frying eggs and veggies in pig fat. At this point it might be appropriate to take bets on what food I will break my carb fast with. Pizza? Oreos? Ice Cream? Milk and Peanut Butter Sandwich? Toast with butter? It's hard to say. And now for the the last ten days. Have just begun to look a bit thinner, but not enough to make a huge-impact if you will. Mostly I just feel better. Am skipping breakfast today because a handful of nuts was enough to today, I am just never ravenously hungry which is a welcome change from the last 36 years of ravenous...ness. Let us see if I can make it all the way... to
My money is on Oreos since it seems like they are most frequently referred to/dreamed of.
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