Friday, February 22, 2013

Last Day...

So this is the last day.  Today all I have to do is crunch my way through fourteen more little meals like the ones commonly served at zoos and we're done.  Here's a few thoughts on the experience this time, and maybe for the last time at least in India.  This would much be easier in the US... though far more expensive.

What I will miss:

  • Spinach cooked in pork fat...too much trouble
  • Chomping into raw onions... without the dietary restrictions my wife may feel more inclined toward me being fat than having this "snack"... 
  • The nuts...too expensive to continue, 
  • Coconut milk in my coffee and tea...again too expensive, 
  • The trim look to my the carbs will bring the puff back with a vengeance but I have enjoyed the trimness 
  • The coffee...  it's better than having bag of chips and distracts me from food by turning my thoughts to things like... starting pure green trans-atlantic shipping companies that rely on sailboats...maybe a bag of chips is not that bad after all...

What I will not miss:

  • The thought "whoa that looks good, now what am I going to have for dinner...?" 
  • Skipping chia
  • Explaining to a rice-based diet population why I'm not eating rice (tantamount to insanity), 
  • Seeing a pile of veggies turn into a few bites after 10 minutes in the pot, it's just withering to the soul.
  • Eating orange seeds... hard to turn down any food that's officially sanctioned by the diet.
  • The twinge of guilt while tossing a banana peel because after is eatable. 
What I will retain:

  • More real food, veggies, fruit, meat, nuts... really filling and tasty... because it's real food.
  • Less junk.  Even my nemesis The Oreo...seems empty... like wasted eating.
  • Sifting though my food domains and only eating when I'm actually hungry, not just bored, tired, angry, up late at night, watching a movie, or in the market near a chia-guy.

1 comment:

  1. First person ever to complete whole 30 in kpong? I'm sending you a virtual medal. Congrats! Take some pictures of that trim face.
